11 Things About Kim Kardashian People Don’t Pay Attention To – She Is Not As Worst As We Perceive Her To Be (With Pics)

Speaking of clothing, if you’re a true Kim K fan, then you have definitely seen a style evolution over the past decade. While trends do change and many people do alter their styles, it is particularly interesting that Kim’s style evolution happened right about the same time she started dating Kanye West. The DailyMail reported that she receives regular inspirational emails from him. “Kanye sent me an email to not wear huge sunglasses anymore and what he does is he’ll just send me amazing mood boards and great references of smaller glasses…” Nothing wrong with your man advising you on what looks good on you but to change your whole style for him?

Her Obsession With Fur

Wearing real fur in the 21st century deserves a huge side eye. We have access to information and we know what happens to the animals so why on earth is it still prominent? Kim K is one of the celebs who was turning a blind eye to this cruel treatment of animals and she made a lot of people angry. Remember when she got flour bombed on the red carpet back in 2012? Well, Kim recently graced the cover of ODDA magazine, wearing a fake fur Fendi coat, let’s hope that she’ll finally let go of all those mink coats we’re used to seeing her in.

She’s Harsh On Her Mother

This one came as a bit of a surprise. Although she’s not perfect, when you watch their reality show, it is overtly clear that Khloe is the one who is more outspoken and rude to their mother while Kim seems to defend her mother. Well, it seems like behind closed doors, Kim can also be a little harsh on Kris. Kris revealed this on her Instagram post when she posted an email that Kim K sent to her that read: “I love u mom but no more pilgrim Adams family outfits. You have exhausted this look. Done. Move On. We need chic, tight dressed not his omish…anymore”. She was clearly trying to help but geez, those are some harsh words to say to your mother.


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